New York Cheese Cake
Mr Harrick ordered a New York Cheese Cake a few days back from us. So here it is...
We took this picture when we were on our way delivering this cake to Tmn Sri Moyan. That's why you guys can see the box as the background pic. Haha.. Truly sorry for that..
Thanks Mr Harrick for the compliment. Happy to hear that you and your family enjoyed our cake. We're glad that you ordered 2 more New York Cheese Cake this coming December. Cheers.
@Vanilla Pastry
Wan, camney kitak orang molah cake ya x angus di atas. Kacak jak rupanya bah. Mun kmk molah, confirm mesti angus di atas cake ya. Heran juak ewh.. Nyaman jak rupa cake cheese ya. Coba tikam sitok sigek.. hehehe
The cheesecake looks absolutely gorgeous and yummy!
Wow!This looks delicious!You really are a talented baker!I came across your site from the foodieblogroll and I'd love to guide our readers to your site if you won't mind.Just add your choice of foodista widget to this post and it's all set, Thanks!
Thanks for the compliment and the support. We really appreaciate them.
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